300 Hours Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training Course
Date: 02nd - 27th Every Month
Duration: 26 Days
Max Batch Size : 08
Level: Advanced
Wifi Available
Pickup: DED Airpot
300 Hours Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh India.
Kundalini Yoga has been considered as one of the most powerful forms of yoga with potential of unlimited energy outburst and options for spiritual upliftment. This special yoga which is focused on Kundalini awakening and harnessing the hidden powers within the spirals has been one of the primary yogic practices that ancient yogis used to practice in seclusion.
You might have heard about sadhus and sanyasis, who live in seclusion in the Mighty Himalayas in conditions that are almost unfavorable for human habitation. But, with their power and especially the power harnessed from Kundalini Awakening they can not only survive the harsh weather, but can also sustain with minimal external food and other essentials.
Course Highlights
Benefit from fast and easy skip-the-line entranceMarvel at works of art, from Ancient Egypt to the RenaissanceSpend as much time as you like inside the museum and explore at your own pace
300 Hours Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh.
At Adi Yogpeeth, we have devised a 300 hours Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh India to offer you a glimpse into Kundalini Yoga and train you as a Kundalini Yoga Teacher. This 300 hour Kundalini YTT in Rishikesh is devised as per the guidelines of highest certified bodies and offers you an in-depth understanding of the Kundalini Yoga concepts with its philosophy, basics, practices and detailed yogic actions. This 300 hours Kundalini YTT is the best for aspiring yoga trainers and can be pursued by anyone with basic understanding of Kundalini Yoga and Asanas.
Interested to know more about this detailed course? Please feel free to contact us for the upcoming batches and book your admission!
Why selecting Adi Yogpeeth for your advanced yoga teacher training?
Our yoga school in Rishikesh offer you everything that a sadhak (a dedicated practitioner) needs for fulfilling his quest for knowledge. A sacred ambience, a disciplined life, a routine of activities, dedicated learning time, specific and intensive teacher training is only a part of what you get from our yoga school in Rishikesh, India.
Each of this advanced yoga teacher training in India offered from our yoga school is certified with highest certified bodies, offering you the highest possible recognition as a certified yoga trainer. When you opt for Hatha Yoga TTC or Vinyasa Yoga TTC, we offer you an environment for skilful learning from the best yoga ashram in Rishikesh.Moreover, you will feel blessed to meet with our Masters who have been practicing yoga bring down the nectar from the eminent Yoga Gurus of India and Abroad.
What we cover in 300 hours kundalini course
300-hour Kundalini course is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of the principles and practices of Kundalini Yoga. The course covers a range of topics from Hatha Yoga for kundalini awakening, Pranayama, Chakra balancing, Meditation techniques, Kundalini Philosophy and approach.
- Kriya and Meditation (As a fundamental aspect of Kundalini awakening, we include various kriyas and meditation for the easy learning of Kundalini).
- A detailed overview of Kundalini philosophy and the effects of food and nutrition along with shatwik living practices.
- Analysis of various asanas and meditation practices with their effects on human body.
- A higher level of control over the thoughts and mind with the power of meditation.
- A process of creating an eternal bond between the master and the students for a smooth flow of knowledge and wisdom.
- A higher level of approach to communicate with the ether with supreme level of consciousness.
Course Overview
The purpose of mantra chanting in yoga is to generate vibrations and connect with the universe.
Aum Namah ShivayaAum Sarveshaam Svastir-BhavatuAum Sarve Bhavantu SukhinahGayatri MantraAum Brahmarpanam
Aum Saha NavavatuMaha Mrityunjaya MantraAum Asato Ma SadgamayaAum Purnamadah PurnamidamPatanjali Sloka
Introduction of Kundalini YogaPadangusthasanaPada HastasanaUtthita Trikonasana A, BUtthita Parsvakonasana A,BPrasarita Padottanasana A,B,C,DParsvottonasanaUtthita Hasta PadangusthasanaArdha Baddha PadmottanasanaUtkatasanaVirabhadrasana IVirabhadrasana II
Alignment, Assist and AdjustmentSurya namaskar (sun salutation)Chandra namaskar (moon salutation)PadahastasanaTadasanaTriyak TadasanaGarudasanaUtthithaHastha PadanghusthasanaKukkutasanaUpavishtha KonasanaJanu SirshasnaSupta Hastha PadanghusthasanaMarjari AsanaVyaghrasanaBalasanaSupta VajrasanaBhujangasanaPaschimottanasanaSimhagarj anasanaAshwa SanchalanasanaGomukhasanaArdha MatsyendrasanaVrkshasanaNatvarasanaNatrajasana
Bhumi Pada MastakasanaPrasarita PadottanasanSirshasanaVajrasanaBalasanaTriyak TadasanaTrikonasanaAshtanga NamaskaraMatsyasanaGarbha PindasanaChakrasanaUshtrasanaSupta VajrasanaSamkonasanaPranamasanaSarpasanaSimhagarjanasanaUshtrasanaSupta VajrasanaHasta UtthanasanaParvatasanaShalabhasanaDhanurasanaSarvangasana
Introduction to Prana and Pranayama.Individual and universal prana body (shealth).Natural breathing (for peace).Abdominal or diaphragmatic breathing (Expansion and healing all internal organs).Thorasic/Chest Breathing (middle chest expansion).Clavicular breathing (upper lungs expansion).Yogic breathing/Complete breathing (complete lungs therapy).Alternative Nostril breathing (Nadishodhanam) (balance and peace).
Cooling breathing (Sheetali and sitkari) (fever and reduce anger).Bhramari Pranayama (for memory and stress relief).Ujjayi pranayama (healing throat and prolong concentration).Bhastrika pranayama (for complete health).Kapalbhati (intense cleansing and healing stress).Moorchha Pranayama(for ecstacy).Surya bheda pranayama (Heating and digestive).Chandra bheda pranayama (activate parasympathetic system).
Students learn the technique of using seals or gestures to facilitate the flow of energy in their body.
What is a MudraWhy hand MudrasBenefits of Mudra practiceFive element theoryAccupressure and Scientific theoryTypes of Hand mudraGeneral MudrasPranavayu Mudra (for poor vision and increase confidence)Mritsanjeevani Mudra (Prevent heart attack and depression)Samana Vaayu mudra (Reduces the formation of gases and acids and cure liver)Udana Vayu Mudra (improve power of speech and generate vitality)Vyana Vayu Mudra (for high BP, relax mental nerves)
Therapeutic MudrasVayu Mudra (release extra wind from the stomach)Agni Mudra (Helps dissolving extra fat)Prithivi mudra (boost blood circulation)Varun Mudra (reliving dehydration and stomach infection)Akash Mudra (Activate calcium and phosphorus so good for bones)Spiritual MudrasGyan mudra (for innate wisdom)Abhya mudra (for courage and strength)Dhyana mudra (concentration and spiritual awakening
Vija Mantra of chakras.LamVamRam
Yam.Ham.OM.Sound in different Chakras.
Meditation as a practice has gained wide popularity due to its numerous benefits.
Basics of MeditationHow to sit in meditationHow to breath in meditationHow to Relax in meditationHow to concentrate in meditation.Mantra meditation (Improve anxiety).Breath awareness meditation (Improving willpower).
Obstacles in meditation.Om meditation (Energy booster).Meditation and stress management.Trataka (Candle light meditation) (improve eye sight and courage).Dynamic meditation (emotional block removing).Kundalini meditation (awakening sleeping kundalini energy).Silence Meditation (For enlightenment and peace).
Yoga nidra-conscious sleep (to Master the sleep).Full body relaxation (Complete rejuvenation).Tension relaxation (removing blocks from whole body).Point to point yoga nidra (opening unconscious mind and transormation).Subtle body awakening Yoga nidra (feeling of expansion).
Jal Neti (Nasal cleaning for opening the cognitive senses)Rubber Neti (Nasal cleaning with a cathedral for intense nasal block)Agnisar KriyaKapalbhati KriyaTrataka KriyaKunjal KriyaDhauti Kriya
Proper understanding of the physical body will help to prevent injury before, during and after practice. There are two kinds of yoga anatomy: physical and spiritual. Understanding both types is needed.
Skeletal SystemBonesTypes, functionJointsTypes, roleLigamentPlanesMuscular SystemAction of muscleTypes of muscleRole of BandhaAnatomical Movement
Body AllignmentChecking AllignmentWorking on different jointsBasic Anatomy and Physiology of Digestive SystemBalanced dietYoga practice for improveBasic Anatomy and Physiology of Respiratory systemYoga practicesEndocrine System and YogaRelation of ChakraAnatomy and Physiology of Spine and YogaDeformity of spinePrecautions to be taken during pratice
Yoga Philosophy is the foundation of our yoga practice and is the key to earn yogic strength. Through the path of Vedanta Philosophy, you will establish a solid, well-rounded yoga practice.
Sanatana DharmaVedasPuranasThe Four Goals of LifeThe Four Stage of LifeThe Vedic System of DutiesThe Six System of Indian PhilosophyPatanjali’s Yog SutrasCitta VrittiAfflictions of the mind
The Eight Limbs of YogStages of SamadhiThe Six Yoga SystemJnana YogaBhakti YogaKarma YogaMantra YogaHatha YogaLaya YogaRaja Yoga
Mula bandha (for stability and awakening of Kundalini)Uddhiyana bandha (Abdominal lock for balancing inner organs)Jalandhar bandha (throat lock)Maha BandhaWhat is Energy blockagesReasons of blocking the energy and chakrasThree majors energy blockges
A yoga teacher should efficiently perform the practical applications of class planning and preparation. At Adi Yogpeeth, our students will learn how to create a positive and peaceful class environment for an enjoyable and transformative experience.
Positive & conscious communication.Friendship and trust.Time management.Qualities of a teacher.Principles of demonstrating, observation, assisting, correcting.
Use of voice in classMental & emotional preparation for teaching.Class preparationStep by step class structure planning.
Students will take turns practicing their teaching skills by performing in front of their peers and teachers.
Written TestOral TestAttendancePerformance & Behavior
Select Your Accommodation

Free Wi-Fi
AC available on request
2 single beds
Attached Bathroom

Free Wi-Fi
AC available on request
2 single beds
Attached Bathroom

Free Wi-Fi
AC available on request
2 single beds
Attached Bathroom
Nearest Essentials
AirportsDehradun Airport (DED)20 kmFree Pickup IncludedDrop off 25 USD
Bus StationRishikesh ISBT10 KMFree Pickup IncludedDrop Off 15 USD
Railway StationYog Nagri Rishikesh12 Km
AirportsIGI Airport (DEL)250 kmPick & Drop Off75 USD one way
Railway StationHaridwar Railway Station45 KMPick up20 USD
ShoppingHarrods1.5 km
You will receive an information letter a few weeks prior to the course starting. This will detail what to bring and how to prepare. Each course will differ but generally you are asked to bring clothes that you are comfortable moving in.
Yes it is. Once you complete your certification with us, you are able to be registered with Yoga Alliance. This enables you to teach Yoga anywhere in the world and be recognised as a trained Yoga teacher.
The 200 hours of yoga teacher training is the minimum requirement to become eligible to register with the yoga alliance as RYT 200. This 200 hour teacher training is comprehensive and covers different facets of yoga, not just the physical asanas. For the more advanced knowledge of yoga teaching, you can enroll yourself in a 300 or 500-hour yoga teacher training course with Adi Yogpeeth.
A tourist visa can be obtained for 200 hours training. This visa can be applied by approaching the respective embassy or consulate or application can be filled online which is much more convenient and faster. It may take anywhere from 1 week to a month to get a response on the outcome. Check - Indian Visa Online Site.

02nd Jan To 28th Jan
02nd Feb To 28th Feb
02nd Mar To 28th Mar
02nd Apr To 28th Apr
02nd May To 28th May
02nd Jun To 28th Jun
02nd Jul To 28th Jul
02nd Aug To 28th Aug
02nd Sep To 28th Sep
02nd Oct To 28th Oct
02nd Nov To 28th Nov
02nd Dec To 28th Dec
Daily Schedule
06:00 AM - 07:00 AMPranayama & Shatkarma
07:15 AM - 08:45 AM Advanced Hatha Yoga Asana
09:00 AM - 10:00 AM Breakfast
10:15 AM - 11:15 AM Yoga Philosophy
11:30 AM - 12:30 AM Yoga Anatomyy
12:45 PM - 01:45 PM Lunch
02:00 PM - 03:30 PM Self Study
03:30 PM - 05:00 PM Kundalini Theory & Practice
05:30 PM - 06:30 PMMeditation & Yog Nidra
07:00 PM - 08:00 PM Dinner
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