Explore the Charm of Yoga With Our 100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course in Rishikesh.
Date: 02nd - 12th Every Month
Duration: 11 Days
Batch Size : 10-12
Level: Beginner
Wifi Available
Pickup: DED Airpot
Unlock Your Inner Yogi: 100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh, India
If you are on a short vacation and want to explore the true meaning of Yoga from the Yoga capital of the world, 100 Hours Yoga Course offered by Adi Yogpeeth is the best option out here. We have a vibrant atmosphere with a tranquil environment surrounded by the natural beauty of Rishikesh to offer you a real-feel of the power of Yoga in this short-term YTTC (Yoga Teacher Training Course) program.
Whether you are a first time learner or an experienced Yoga Practitioner,this program will offer you a completely different perspective with its scope of learning.This Yoga Course can become your foundation for a career in yoga when you plan to do so at your respective locations.
We will offer you a vividly designed yoga Course which can open up many new prospects for you for a chosen path of yoga.
Comprehensive practice of traditional and modern approach to yoga.Includes Asanas, Pranayama, Meditation, Yoga Philosophy, Chanting and moreExperienced and certified yoga instructorsComprehensive course materials and study guidesAccommodation, meals, and local sightseeing included
Why Adi Yogpeeth for a 100 hours Yoga Course?
With its rich history of teaching and training people in yoga while guiding them to excel in this ancient wisdom, Adi Yogpeeth has earned reputation of being one of the best yoga school in Rishikesh. Reckoned with prestigious training institutes under highest certified bodies, Adi Yogpeeth is among those very few institutions, which offers you pure hatha, ashtanga and vinyasa yoga directly transcended from Patanjali Yoga Sutra. Our gracious ambience with a complete sattvic atmosphere offers you a different feel when you join this residential program at our yoga school. With focused peer-group and vividly spectacular teaching methodologies, you are assured of receiving the best teachings from eminent masters and yoga trainers from our yoga school.
Along with the structured curriculum, we also offer you diverse outlook on yoga, its practices and its procedures along with its effects when you stay with us for your 100 Hours Yoga Course in Rishikesh, India.
The subjects covered under our 100 hours Yoga TTC in India.
Our 100 Hour Yoga TTC in Rishikesh covers everything in compact form from the very basic aspects of yoga to its philosophy, concepts and effects on your mind and body. We teach yoga asanas, pranayama, various mudra, bandha and yoga postures. We also offer importance on the rhythmic flow of breath and breathing control. With a comprehensive course you are assured of getting yourself familiar with the power of yoga with its multiple benefits for a healthier body and calming mind.
Join today to explore the best of 100 hours Yoga TTC in India with us at our Ashram in Rishikesh. You will feel the difference which is beyond the explanation!
Benefits of 100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course
A 100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course (YTTC) is a great way to do that. This beginner yoga course is designed for those who want to take their practice to the next level and become certified yoga teachers. It provides the perfect balance of theory and practical experience, with a focus on the physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of yoga.
The 100 hour YTTC in Rishikesh offers an immersive experience with experienced teachers who will guide you through every step of your journey. With this course, you'll gain valuable knowledge about anatomy, alignment, philosophy, meditation, and more - all while getting hands-on experience in teaching yoga classes. Investing in this course will give you the tools necessary for a successful career as a certified yoga teacher!
- It is a unique 100 hours yoga ttc that offers a space for you to experience the best of both worlds.
- The physical and mental benefits of yoga are combined with the spiritual energy of Rishikesh.
- The spiritual aspects of this Yoga TTC can be experienced through meditation sessions.
Course Overview
The purpose of mantra chanting in yoga is to generate vibrations and connect with the universe.
Aum Namah ShivayaAum Sarveshaam Svastir-BhavatuAum Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah
Aum Saha NavavatuMaha Mrityunjaya MantraAum Asato Ma Sadgamaya
Ashtanga Vinyasa Primary Series (also known as the First Series or Yoga Chikitsa), literally means yoga therapy. This when practiced regularly heals all sickness and purifies your body in preparation for deeper Yogic practice - both physical as well as meditative.
STANDING POSTURESPadangusthasanaPada HastasanaUtthita Trikonasana A, BUtthita Parsvakonasana A,BPrasarita Padottanasana A,B,C,DParsvottonasana
SITTING POSTURESDandasanaPaschimottanasana A,B,CPurvottasanaArdha Baddha Padma PaschimottanasanaTrianga Mukaikapada PaschimottanasanaJanu Sisrasana A,B,CMarichyasana A,B,C,DParipurna NavasanaBhujapidasanaKurmasanaSupta KurmasanaGarbha PindasanaKukkutasana
FINISHING & CLOSING POSTURESSalamba SarvangasanaHalasanaKarnapidasanaUrdvha PadmasanaPindasanaMatsyasanaUttana PadasanaUrdhva DandasanaSirsasana
A wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet mornings of spring which I enjoy with my whole heart. I am alone, and feel the charm of existence in this spot, which was created for the bliss of souls like mine. I am so happy, my dear friend, so absorbed in the exquisite.
STANDING POSTURESPadangusthasanaPada HastasanaUtthita Trikonasana A, BUtthita Parsvakonasana A,BPrasarita Padottanasana A,B,C,DParsvottonasana
SITTING POSTURESDandasanaPaschimottanasana A,B,CPurvottasanaArdha Baddha Padma PaschimottanasanaTrianga Mukaikapada PaschimottanasanaJanu Sisrasana A,B,CMarichyasana A,B,C,DParipurna NavasanaBhujapidasanaKurmasanaSupta Kurmasana
FINISHING & CLOSING POSTURESSalamba SarvangasanaHalasanaKarnapidasanaUrdvha PadmasanaPindasanaMatsyasanaUttana PadasanaUrdhva Dandasana
Pranayama is the control of breath. The basic movements of pranayama are inhalation, retention of breath, and exhalation. “The yogi’s life is not measured by the number of days but by the number of his breaths,” says Iyengar.
Four Aspects of Pranayama.Natural Breathing.Abdominal (or diaphragmatic) Breathing.Clavicular Breathing.
Sheetkari Pranayama ( hissing breath).Bhramari Pranayama ( humming bee breath).Ujjayi Pranayama ( the psychic breath).Bhastrika Pranayama ( bellows breath).
Students learn the technique of using seals or gestures to facilitate the flow of energy in their body.
Introduction & Types of MudraHasta ( Hand Mudras)Mana ( Head mudras)Kaya ( Postural mudras)
The five Pranas-Prana, literally the “forward moving air”.Apana, literally the “air that moves away”.Udana, literally the “upward moving air”.
Students learn the technique of consciously blocking and unblocking energy flow to different parts of their body.
Introduction to Bandhas.Preparation for Bandhas.
Jalandhara Bandha (Throat lock).Moola Bandha (Perineum contraction).
Meditation as a practice has gained wide popularity due to its numerous benefits.
Introduction of MeditationOrigion & history of MeditationBreath awarness MeditationAUM chanting Meditation
Ajapa Meditation.Antar Maun (Inner Silemce Meditation).Yoga Nidra.
Yoga nidra, a Sanskrit term meaning "yogic sleep" is a deep relaxation technique and a form of meditation.Also called "psychic sleep," yoga nidra is a state between sleeping and waking.
How to do Yoga NidraGetting ready for Yoga Nidra.
Yogic cleansing exercises are important to learn how to incorporate your breath and meditate properly during physical aspects of yoga. It also removes the blockages in the energy channels.
Introduction to Shatkarma.Preparation for Shatkarma.
Jala Neti (Nasal cleansing with water)Rubber Neti (Nasal cleansing with rubber)
Proper understanding of the physical body will help to prevent injury before, during and after practice. There are two kinds of yoga anatomy: physical and spiritual. Understanding both types is needed.
Body PlanesJointsAnatomical MovementsMuscle & PostureYoga & PostureMuscular SystemSpineDeformities of the spinePelvic Region
Teres MinorDeltoidBicep BrachiiTricep BrachiiPectoralis MinorRectus AbdominusTrapeziusLatissimus DorsiLlipsoas
Yoga Philosophy is the foundation of our yoga practice and is the key to earn yogic strength. Through the path of Vedanta Philosophy, you will establish a solid, well-rounded yoga practice.
Sanatana DharmaVedasPuranasThe Four Goals of LifeThe Four Stage of LifeThe Vedic System of Duties
The Eight Limbs of YogStages of SamadhiThe Six Yoga SystemJnana YogaBhakti YogaKarma Yoga
Select Your Accommodation

Free Wi-Fi
AC available on request
2 single beds
Attached Bathroom

Free Wi-Fi
AC available on request
2 single beds
Attached Bathroom

Free Wi-Fi
AC available on request
2 single beds
Attached Bathroom
Nearest Essentials
AirportsDehradun Airport (DED)20 kmFree Pickup IncludedDrop off 25 USD
Bus StationRishikesh ISBT10 KMFree Pickup IncludedDrop Off 15 USD
Railway StationYog Nagri Rishikesh12 Km
AirportsIGI Airport (DEL)250 kmPick & Drop Off75 USD one way
Railway StationHaridwar Railway Station45 KMPick up20 USD
ShoppingRishikesh Market7 km
You will receive an information letter a few weeks prior to the course starting. This will detail what to bring and how to prepare. Each course will differ but generally you are asked to bring clothes that you are comfortable moving in.
Yes it is. Once you complete your certification with us, you are able to be registered with Yoga Alliance. This enables you to teach Yoga anywhere in the world and be recognised as a trained Yoga teacher.
The 200 hours of yoga teacher training is the minimum requirement to become eligible to register with the yoga alliance as RYT 200. This 200 hour teacher training is comprehensive and covers different facets of yoga, not just the physical asanas. For the more advanced knowledge of yoga teaching, you can enroll yourself in a 300 or 500-hour yoga teacher training course with Adi Yogpeeth.
A tourist visa can be obtained for 200 hours training. This visa can be applied by approaching the respective embassy or consulate or application can be filled online which is much more convenient and faster. It may take anywhere from 1 week to a month to get a response on the outcome. Check - Indian Visa Online Site.

Daily Schedule
06:00 AM - 07:00 AMPranayama & Shatkarma
07:15 AM - 08:45 AM Hatha Yoga Asana
09:00 AM - 10:00 AM Breakfast
10:15 AM - 11:15 AM Yoga Philosophy
11:30 AM - 12:30 AM Yoga Anatomyy
12:45 PM - 01:45 PM Lunch
02:00 PM - 03:30 PM Self Study
03:30 PM - 05:00 PM Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga
05:30 PM - 06:30 PMMeditation & Yog Nidra
07:00 PM - 08:00 PM Dinner
Why Book With Us?