300 Hours Holistic Yoga Teacher Taining Course

  • Date: 02nd - 27th Every Month
  • Duration: 26 Days
  • Max Batch Size : 08
  • Level: Advanced
  • Wifi Available
  • Pickup: DED Airpot
Certified 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course In Rishikesh,India.

Are you a practicing yoga teacher? Are you interested to refine your teaching skills and add some innovation to your current yoga training? Do you wish to delve deep into this ancient wisdom and learning to understand more about yoga? Well, if these are some of the questions that needs an answer for you, joining 300 hour yoga teacher training course in Rishikesh – the yoga capital may be the right choice for you. Adi Yogpeeth is the best institution to pursue your advanced learning of yoga through its 300 hours Yoga Teacher Training Program in Rishikesh, India.

🌟 Exciting News! 🌟 At Our Yoga School, All 300 Hours Yoga Teacher Training classes are run separately!

This course which requires completing the 200 hours YTT prior to joining is an awakening, a path-giving and a complete course for advanced learning.

Incorporating advanced styles of Hatha, Ashtanga and Vinyasa Yoga this 300 Hours YTT in India offers you a complete course to glorify your skills and learn more about teaching yoga effectively to your students.

Adi Yogpeeth as an advanced Yoga Teacher Training School in Rishikesh,India

Having more than a decade of existence and experience, Adi Yogpeeth boasts of offering the finest yoga teacher training with international curriculum. All our Yoga Teacher Training Course programs in Rishikesh are certified by highest certified bodies ( Yoga Alliance USA ), which are renowned apex bodies for yoga in the world. We offer yoga teacher training integrating Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga TTC in Rishikesh and Hatha Yoga TTC in Rishikesh, India in our Ashram. Situated in a pristine environment in Rishikesh on the banks of Ganga.

Our Ashram is an ideal destination for the quest of yoga as a path of self-liberation and prospering career. Our 200 Hours Yoga Teacher Training Program offers Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training, which helps you to get familiar with this famous path of yoga with all its complicated Asanas, the correct modes of getting into the postures and switching postures with breathe control. As one of the advanced yoga training school in India, we offer you internationally certified yoga courses for a long and prospering career.

Why selecting Adi Yogpeeth for your advanced yoga teacher training?

Our yoga school in Rishikesh offer you everything that a sadhak (a dedicated practitioner) needs for fulfilling his quest for knowledge. A sacred ambience, a disciplined life, a routine of activities, dedicated learning time, specific and intensive teacher training is only a part of what you get from our yoga school in Rishikesh, India.

Each of this advanced yoga teacher training in India offered from our yoga school is certified with highest certified bodies, offering you the highest possible recognition as a certified yoga trainer. When you opt for Hatha Yoga TTC or Vinyasa Yoga TTC, we offer you an environment for skilful learning from the best yoga ashram in Rishikesh.Moreover, you will feel blessed to meet with our Masters who have been practicing yoga bring down the nectar from the eminent Yoga Gurus of India and Abroad.

What to Expect In 300 Hours Yoga Therapy & Ayurveda Yoga TTC

If you are looking for a comprehensive and holistic Yoga Teacher Training Course, then the 300 Hours Holistic Yoga TTC is the perfect fit for you. This course will provide you with an in-depth understanding of the practice of yoga, along with its therapeutic applications and Ayurveda. You will learn about the fundamentals of yoga postures and breathing techniques, as well as how to use them to improve your overall health. Additionally, you will also get to explore the ancient Indian healing system known as Ayurveda, which is based on natural remedies and treatments. With this course, you can expect to gain an in-depth knowledge about yoga therapy and ayurveda that will help you become a certified yoga teacher.

  • Introduction to traditional yogic knowledge and teachings.
  • In-depth training in various styles of yoga, such as Hatha, Ashtanga and ayurveda.
  • Guided practice of asana, pranayama, and meditation.
  • Insight into the therapeutic applications of yoga, including postures and breathing exercises.
  • Learn to adjust and modify poses for different bodies and abilities.
  • Practical knowledge of sequencing and creating yoga classes.
Course Overview

The purpose of mantra chanting in yoga is to generate vibrations and connect with the universe.

  • Om Asato Maa Sadgamaya (Mantra from Upanishad)
    Tvameva mata ca pita Tvameva (Sloka on gods)
    Om Tryambakam Yajamahe ( Mantra on lord shiva)
    Om sahana vavatu ( Mantra from Upanishad)
  • Guru Brahma Guru Vishnu Gurudevo maheshwara ( Guru stotram)
    Yogena Cittasya ( Sloka on sage Patanjali)
    Hare rama, Hare Krishna ( Maha mantra)

The word haá¹­ha literally means "force" and thus alludes to a system of physical techniques. In India hatha yoga is associated in popular tradition.

  • 1.Pawanmuktasana series 1
    2.Pawanmuktasana serie 2
    3.Pawanmuktasana series 3
    4.Surya Namaskar ( sun salutation)
    5.Chandra Namaskar (Moon salutation)
    6.Tadasana (palm tree pose)
    7.Triyak tadasana (swaying palm tree pose)
    8.Trikonasana (triangle pose)
    9.Parivirtatrikon asana – revolving triangle pose
    10.Uttkatasana –chair pose
    11.Virbhdrasana 1 -warrior 1
    12.Virbhdrasana 2 -warrior 2
    13.Virbhdrasana 3 -warrior 3
    14.Ardha Chandrasana- Half moon pose
    15.Vriksasana – tree pose
    16.Parvatasana – mountain pose
    17.Adho mukha svanasana – downward facing dog
    18.Kati chakrasana – waist rotating pose
  • 19.Malasana – squatted yoga pose
    20.Garudasana – eagle pose
    21.Baddha Konasana- bound angle pose
    22.Rajkapoot asana – pegion pose
    23.Bhujanghasana – cobra pose
    24.Urdhva mukha svanasana –upward facing dog
    26.Setu Bhandasana
    30.Supta Virasana- reclining hero pose
    31.Virasana –hero pose
    32.Vajrasana –thunderbolt
    36.Ardha Matsyendrasana

Students will gain extensive knowledge on yoga postures and will increase their strength, flexibility and discipline at Adi Yogpeeth Rishikesh India.

  • 1. Padangusthasana
    2. Padahasthasana
    3. Utthita Trikonasana
    4. Parivrtta Trikonasana
    5. Utthita Parsvakonasana
    6. Parivrtta Parsvakonasana
    7. Prasarita Padottanasana A B C & D
    8. Parsvottanasana
    9. Eka Pada Padangusthasana A B C & D
    10. Ardha Baddha Padmottanasana
    11. Utkatasana
    12. Virabhadrasana A & B
    13. Dandasana
    14. Paschimottanasana A B C & D
    15. Purvattanasana
    16. Ardha Baddha Padma Uttanasana
    17. Triang Mukaikapada Pashimottanasana
    18. Janu Sirsasana A B & C
    19. Marichyasana A B C & D
    20. Navasana
    21. Bhujapidasana
    22. Kurmasana
  • 23. Supta Kurmasana
    24. Garbha Pindasana
    25. Kukkutasana
    26. Baddha Konasana A & B
    27. Konasana
    28. Upavishta Konasana
    29. Supta Konasana
    30. Supta Padangusthasana A & B
    31. Ubhaya Padanghusthasana
    32. Urdhva Mukha Pashimottanasana
    33. Setu Bandhasana
    34. Urdhva Dhanurasana
    35. Salamba Sarvangasana
    36. Halasana
    37. Karnapidasana
    38. Urdhva Pindasana
    39. Matsyasana
    40. Urdhva Padmasana
    41. Sirsasana
    42. Urdhva Dandasana
    43. Baddha Padmasana
    44. Yogimudra
    45. Uplutih
    46. Savasana

Pranayama is an ancient yogic breathing technique that is used as preparation for meditation and is a vital aspect of practicing yoga. It improves the respiratory system and purifies the body and mind.

  • Introduction of Pranayama , Benefits of pranayama , General guidelines
    Clavicular , Thorocic and Diaphragmatic Breathing (Yogic Breathing)
    Nadi – Sodhana
    Surya – Bhedi & Chandra – Bhedi
    Sheetali & Sheetkari
  • Sitting postures for pranayama sadhana-
    Easy pose
    Siddha yoni asana

The practice of Mudra hand gestures is an ancient facet of yoga. Performing gestures effects the energy flow of the body and can change a person's spiritual and mental characteristics.

  • Jnana mudra
    Chin mudra
    Yoni mudra
    Bhairava mudra
  • Shambhavi mudra

The practice of Bandhas expands the lung capacity and breathing capabilities during yoga. It also strengthens the entire body from the inside out.

  • Preparation.
  • Mula & Maha Bandha Teaching.

Meditation is a systematic practice that promotes physical, mental and emotional tranquility with the purpose of reaching Samadhi (self-realization).

  • Introduction of Meditation
    Breathing Awareness Meditation
    Om / Mantra Meditation
    Dynamic Meditation.
  • Ajapa Meditation.
    Antar Maun (Inner Silemce Meditation).
    Tips for developing concertation.
    Silence Practice.

When a yoga practitioner moves through the various internal states of Yoga Nidra, a profound experience of relaxation occurs. This is called "Turiya," a sensation of pure bliss.

  • Basic Relaxation.
    Tension Relaxation.
    Full Body Relaxation.

Yogic cleansing exercises are important to learn how to incorporate your breath and meditate properly during physical aspects of yoga. It also removes the blockages in the energy channels.

  • Jalaneti Satkarma (Nasal cleansing with salty water).
    Rubber neti (Nasal cleansing with a rubber string).
    Agnisar Kriya.

Proper understanding of the physical body will help to prevent injury before, during and after practice. There are two kinds of yoga anatomy: physical and spiritual. Understanding both types is needed.

  • Digestive System
    Respiratory System
    Circulatory System
    Nervous System
    Endocrine System
    Bodily systems
  • Muscular System
    Skeletal Sytem
    Muscle Functions according to Joint Movements
    Anatomy of Breathing
    Anatomy of Inversions
    Anatomy of Svasana

Yoga Philosophy is the foundation of our yoga practice and is the key to earn yogic strength. Through the path of Vedanta Philosophy, you will establish a solid, well-rounded yoga practice.

  • Introduction to the Himalayan Tradition of Yoga
    Introduction to the different indian philosophy
    History of Yoga
    Yoga Sutra of Patanjali
    Types of yoga
    Eight limbs of yoga
    Yamas and Niyamas(Ethics of yoga)
    Philosophy of Asana
    Concentration and its power
  • 4 aspects of mind
    How to controld the mind
    Samadhi and the goal of yoga
    Introduction to Bhagawat Geeta
    Science of Karma
    Indian culture and Spirituality

Students will take turns practicing their teaching skills by performing in front of their peers and teachers.

  • Demonstration

A yoga teacher should efficiently perform the practical applications of class planning and preparation. At Adi Yogpeeth, our students will learn how to create a positive and peaceful class environment for an enjoyable and transformative experience.

  • Positive & conscious communication.
    Friendship and trust.
    Time management.
    Qualities of a teacher.
    Principles of demonstrating, observation, assisting, correcting.
  • Use of voice in class
    Mental & emotional preparation for teaching.
    Class preparation
    Step by step class structure planning.

Students will take turns practicing their teaching skills by performing in front of their peers and teachers.

  • Written Test
    Oral Test
    Performance & Behavior
Select Your Accommodation
Dec Early Bird Discount
Image Description
Twin Shared Room
  • Free Wi-Fi
  • AC available on request
  • 2 single beds
  • Attached Bathroom
Room Photos and Details
Room Type
Shared Private Couple
  • Wifi
  • Yoga Hall
  • Food
  • Dining
  • BedSheet
  • Towel
  • Bathroom
  • Filter Water
  • Medical Kit
  • Heater
  • AirConditioning
  • Toilet paper
From US $ 1399 / 01 Person
Book Now
Dec Early Bird Discount
Image Description
Single Private Room
  • Free Wi-Fi
  • AC available on request
  • 2 single beds
  • Attached Bathroom
Room Photos and Details
From US $ 1649 / 01 Person
Book Now
Save 100 USD
Image Description
Couple Private Room
  • Free Wi-Fi
  • AC available on request
  • 2 single beds
  • Attached Bathroom
Room Photos and Details
From US $ 2699 / 02 Person
Book Now
Price Includes
24 Nights Accommodation (Private or Shared)
Daily nutritious vegetarian meals and tea
Weekend excursions
Yoga material
One the Himalayas sightseeing trip
Free taxi-pickup from (DED) Dehradun airport.
Price Excludes
DEL Airport Pickup & Drop off
DED Airport Drop off
Nearest Essentials
  • Airports
    Dehradun Airport (DED)
    20 km
    Free Pickup Included
    Drop off 25 USD
  • Bus Station
    Rishikesh ISBT
    10 KM
    Free Pickup Included
    Drop Off 15 USD
  • Railway Station
    Yog Nagri Rishikesh
    12 Km
  • Airports
    IGI Airport (DEL)
    250 km
    Pick & Drop Off
    75 USD one way
  • Railway Station
    Haridwar Railway Station
    45 KM
    Pick up
    20 USD
  • Shopping
    1.5 km

You will receive an information letter a few weeks prior to the course starting. This will detail what to bring and how to prepare. Each course will differ but generally you are asked to bring clothes that you are comfortable moving in.

Yes it is. Once you complete your certification with us, you are able to be registered with Yoga Alliance. This enables you to teach Yoga anywhere in the world and be recognised as a trained Yoga teacher.

The 200 hours of yoga teacher training is the minimum requirement to become eligible to register with the yoga alliance as RYT 200. This 200 hour teacher training is comprehensive and covers different facets of yoga, not just the physical asanas. For the more advanced knowledge of yoga teaching, you can enroll yourself in a 300 or 500-hour yoga teacher training course with Adi Yogpeeth.

A tourist visa can be obtained for 200 hours training. This visa can be applied by approaching the respective embassy or consulate or application can be filled online which is much more convenient and faster. It may take anywhere from 1 week to a month to get a response on the outcome. Check - Indian Visa Online Site.

Course Dates 2025
02nd To 27th
02nd To 27th
02nd To 27th
02nd To 27th
02nd To 27th
02nd To 27th
02nd To 27th
02nd To 27th
02nd To 27th
02nd To 27th
02nd To 27th
02nd To 27th