200 Hours Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training Course
Date: 02nd - 24th Every Month
Duration: 23 Days
Batch Size : 10-12
Level: Beginner
Wifi Available
Pickup: DED Airpot
Unlock the power of Kundalini Yoga with Adi Yogpeeth.
In ancient Indian Yogic Texts, Kundalini is described as the immeasurable power centers present in the human bodies. The modern science has also given importance to these power centers which holds the key to human existence. The placement of chakras (Spirals) inside the human body offers power for creation, preservation and destruction. There are nice different chakras and each one has its specific importance for the three most powerful functions of existence.
As per the ancient scriptures, awakening Kundalini is one of the toughest practices for any practitioner (Sadhak). But for those who have awakened it, have enjoyed the divine bliss with the right kind of channelization of the energy.
Precise knowledge and practical application of Asanas and the sequencing, optimum conditions and precautions.Anatomy and Physiology of the human body, explained in complete detail.Yogic philosophy including the origins of Yoga, Patanjalis, the Vedas and much, much more.A practical approach to Pranayama, Shatkarma, Bandha and Mudra.
What we offer in our 200 Hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training Course Program in Rishikesh?
At Adi Yogpeeth, we have devised this 200 hours Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training Course Program keeping in mind all the essential elements for a balanced understanding. We have the right combination of Kundalini Yoga Philosophy, yoga basics, the history and essentialities of Kundalini Yoga with its modern practices. We have devised this program with a perfect blend of theoretical and practical sessions that offers you a clear conceptual understanding of Kundalini Yoga with its very basics and practical trainings. This 200 Hours Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training in India is guided by eminent yoga trainers from Adi Yogpeeth and offers you a detailed insight into the ancient wisdom associated with Kundalini Sadhana.
We have maintained a sacred atmosphere that allows you to the practice Kundalini Yoga without any type of external disturbances. With our skilled trainers and highly learned masters we make the concepts of Kundalini Yoga simpler for understanding of our students and offer a systematic training that allows you to propagate this knowledge after successful completion.
What to expect from Kundalini Yoga Course In Rishikesh, India.
Learn yoga in the world’s yoga capital, Rishikesh, from traditional Himalayan yoga teachers, from the basics to advanced, in a traditional way, at Adi Yogpeeth which is situated in Tapovan, Laxman Jhula, in Rishikesh, which is in India's northern state of Uttarakhand, in the Himalayan foothills, beside the Ganges River. The river is considered holy, and the city is renowned as a world’s yoga capital.
- Kundalini practices (to awake the hidden energy).
- Yoga Asanas (for physical health and flexibility).
- Pranayama (for energy, balance, and proper breathing).
- Meditation (for calming and relaxing the mind to achieve stillness and stability in your life).
- Bandhas (for awakening the hidden energy and channeling the energy in the proper direction).
- Mudras (yogic gestures that help you to save your energy so that you can make yourself always happy).
- Philosophy (you can understand your life better and the function of Kundalini Shakti).
- Shatkarma (detox cleansing will help you to make yourself lighter and open to awake the energy).
- There will be a practice of Mauna (silence practice) in order to understand the subtle aspects of existence
Kundalini Yoga TTC in Rishikesh,India
With the right blend of philosophy, anatomy and physiology of Kundalini Yoga, we take you on a guided training of performing Satkarma (deep and natural cleansing of the body and mind). Through various asanas and meditations we take you to the deep layers of Kundalini Awakening through the process of guided training. Our teachers offer you conceptual clarity on how to awaken Kundalini and harness its energy in the proper direction for spiritual and emotional benefits. With the right guidance and training, you can take this knowledge further through your understanding as a certified yoga teacher.
Moreover, you will feel blessed to meet with our Masters who have been practicing yoga bring down the nectar from the eminent Yoga Gurus of India and Abroad.
Complete Course Syllabus
The purpose of mantra chanting in yoga is to generate vibrations and connect with the universe.
Aum Namah ShivayaAum Sarveshaam Svastir-BhavatuAum Sarve Bhavantu SukhinahGayatri MantraAum Brahmarpanam
Aum Saha NavavatuMaha Mrityunjaya MantraAum Asato Ma SadgamayaAum Purnamadah PurnamidamPatanjali Sloka
What is Kundalini?Kundalini Phyiology.Preparing for the kundalini yoga.Four form of Aakening.The path of kriya yoga.
Introduction to the ChakrasAjna Chakra.Mooladhara Chakra.Swadhisthana Chakra.Manipura Chakra.Anahata Chakra.Vishuddhi Chakra.Bindu.Sahasrara and Samadhi.
Rules and PreparationPosture In Kundalini Yoga.Chakra SadhanaPractice for Ajna Chakra.Practice for Mooladhara Chakra.Practice for Swadhisthana Chakra.Practice for Manipura Chakra.Practice for Anahata Chakra.Practice for Vishuddhi Chakra.Practice for Bindu.The Kriya yoga practice.
A wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet mornings of spring which I enjoy with my whole heart. I am alone, and feel the charm of existence in this spot, which was created for the bliss of souls like mine. I am so happy, my dear friend, so absorbed in the exquisite.
STANDING POSTURESPadangusthasanaPada HastasanaUtthita Trikonasana A, BUtthita Parsvakonasana A,BPrasarita Padottanasana A,B,C,DParsvottonasanaUtthita Hasta PadangusthasanaArdha Baddha PadmottanasanaUtkatasanaVirabhadrasana IVirabhadrasana II
SITTING POSTURESDandasanaPaschimottanasana A,B,CPurvottasanaArdha Baddha Padma PaschimottanasanaTrianga Mukaikapada PaschimottanasanaJanu Sisrasana A,B,CMarichyasana A,B,C,DParipurna NavasanaBhujapidasanaKurmasanaSupta KurmasanaGarbha PindasanaKukkutasanaBaddha Konasana A,BUpavista Konasana A,BSupta KonasanaSupta PadangustasanaUbhaya PadangustasanaUrdvha Mukha PaschimottanasanaSetu BandhasanaUrdvha DhanurasanaPaschimottanasanaShavasana
FINISHING & CLOSING POSTURESSalamba SarvangasanaHalasanaKarnapidasanaUrdvha PadmasanaPindasanaMatsyasanaUttana PadasanaUrdhva DandasanaSirsasanaBalasanaYoga MudrasanaPadmasanaTolasanaShavasana
Pranayama is the control of breath. The basic movements of pranayama are inhalation, retention of breath, and exhalation. “The yogi’s life is not measured by the number of days but by the number of his breaths,” says Iyengar.
Four Aspects of Pranayama.Natural Breathing.Abdominal (or diaphragmatic) Breathing.Clavicular Breathing.Yogic Breathing.Nadi Shodhana Pranayama ( psychic network purification).Sheetali Pranayama ( cooling breath)
Sheetkari Pranayama ( hissing breath).Bhramari Pranayama ( humming bee breath).Ujjayi Pranayama ( the psychic breath).Bhastrika Pranayama ( bellows breath).Kapalbhati Pranayama ( frontal brain cleansing breath).Moorchha Pranayama ( swooning or fainting breath).Surya Bheda Pranayama (vitality stimulating breath).
Students learn the technique of using seals or gestures to facilitate the flow of energy in their body.
Introduction & Types of MudraHasta ( Hand Mudras)Mana ( Head mudras)Kaya ( Postural mudras)Bandha ( Lock mudras)Adhara ( Perineal mudras)
The five Pranas-Prana, literally the “forward moving air”.Apana, literally the “air that moves away”.Udana, literally the “upward moving air”.Samana, literally the “balancing air”.Vyana, literally the “outward moving air”.
Students learn the technique of consciously blocking and unblocking energy flow to different parts of their body.
Introduction to Bandhas.Preparation for Bandhas.Bandhas and the Granthis.Benefits of Bandhas.
Jalandhara Bandha (Throat lock).Moola Bandha (Perineum contraction).Uddiyana Bandha (Abdominal contraction.)Maha Bandha (The great lock).
Meditation as a practice has gained wide popularity due to its numerous benefits.
Introduction of MeditationOrigion & history of MeditationBreath awarness MeditationAUM chanting MeditationTrataka Meditation.Dynamic Meditation.
Ajapa Meditation.Antar Maun (Inner Silemce Meditation).Yoga Nidra.Silence Practice.Meditation Pose.
Yoga nidra, a Sanskrit term meaning "yogic sleep" is a deep relaxation technique and a form of meditation.Also called "psychic sleep," yoga nidra is a state between sleeping and waking.
How to do Yoga NidraBenefits of Yoga Nidra.Getting ready for Yoga Nidra.
Yogic cleansing exercises are important to learn how to incorporate your breath and meditate properly during physical aspects of yoga. It also removes the blockages in the energy channels.
Introduction to Shatkarma.Preparation for Shatkarma.Benefits of Shatkarma.
Jala Neti (Nasal cleansing with water)Rubber Neti (Nasal cleansing with rubber)Vaman Dhauti (Regurgitative cleansing)Nauli (Abdominal massaging)
Proper understanding of the physical body will help to prevent injury before, during and after practice. There are two kinds of yoga anatomy: physical and spiritual. Understanding both types is needed.
Body PlanesJointsAnatomical MovementsMuscle & PostureYoga & PostureMuscular SystemSpineDeformities of the spinePelvic RegionThe Human KneeTendon & LigamentsRhomboids minor & majorSupraspinatus MuscleInfraspinatus MuscleSubscapularis Muscle
Teres MinorDeltoidBicep BrachiiTricep BrachiiPectoralis MinorRectus AbdominusTrapeziusLatissimus DorsiLlipsoasDigestive SystemCirculatory SystemRespiratory SystemNervous SystemEndocrine SystemChakra
Yoga Philosophy is the foundation of our yoga practice and is the key to earn yogic strength. Through the path of Vedanta Philosophy, you will establish a solid, well-rounded yoga practice.
Sanatana DharmaVedasPuranasThe Four Goals of LifeThe Four Stage of LifeThe Vedic System of DutiesThe Six System of Indian PhilosophyPatanjali’s Yog SutrasCitta VrittiAfflictions of the mind
The Eight Limbs of YogStages of SamadhiThe Six Yoga SystemJnana YogaBhakti YogaKarma YogaMantra YogaHatha YogaLaya YogaRaja Yoga
Students will take turns practicing their teaching skills by performing in front of their peers and teachers.
A yoga teacher should efficiently perform the practical applications of class planning and preparation. At Adi Yogpeeth, our students will learn how to create a positive and peaceful class environment for an enjoyable and transformative experience.
Positive & conscious communication.Friendship and trust.Time management.Qualities of a teacher.Principles of demonstrating, observation, assisting, correcting.
Use of voice in classMental & emotional preparation for teaching.Class preparationStep by step class structure planning.
Students will take turns practicing their teaching skills by performing in front of their peers and teachers.
Written TestOral TestAttendancePerformance & Behavior
Select Your Accommodation

Free Wi-Fi
AC available on request
2 single beds
Attached Bathroom

Free Wi-Fi
AC available on request
2 single beds
Attached Bathroom

Free Wi-Fi
AC available on request
2 single beds
Attached Bathroom
Nearest Essentials
AirportsDehradun Airport (DED)20 kmFree Pickup IncludedDrop off 25 USD
Bus StationRishikesh ISBT10 KMFree Pickup IncludedDrop Off 15 USD
Railway StationYog Nagri Rishikesh12 Km
AirportsIGI Airport (DEL)250 kmPick & Drop Off75 USD one way
Railway StationHaridwar Railway Station45 KMPick up20 USD
ShoppingHarrods1.5 km
It's depends on your individual goals and needs. The 200 Hour Kundalini Yoga training is designed to provide a comprehensive foundation in the theory and practice of Kundalini Yoga, including meditation, pranayama, asanas (postures), and more. It is ideal for those who are interested in deepening their own personal practice, as well as for those who wish to become certified teachers.
Yes it is. Once you complete your certification with us, you are able to be registered with Yoga Alliance. This enables you to teach Yoga anywhere in the world and be recognised as a trained Yoga teacher.
The 200 hours of yoga teacher training is the minimum requirement to become eligible to register with the yoga alliance as RYT 200. This 200 hour teacher training is comprehensive and covers different facets of yoga, not just the physical asanas. For the more advanced knowledge of yoga teaching, you can enroll yourself in a 300 or 500-hour yoga teacher training course with Adi Yogpeeth.
A tourist visa can be obtained for 200 hours training. This visa can be applied by approaching the respective embassy or consulate or application can be filled online which is much more convenient and faster. It may take anywhere from 1 week to a month to get a response on the outcome. Check - Indian Visa Online Site.

02nd Jan To 24th Jan
02nd Feb To 24th Feb
02nd Mar To 24th Mar
02nd Apr To 24th Apr
02nd May To 24th May
02nd Jun To 24th Jun
02nd Jul To 24th Jul
02nd Aug To 24th Aug
02nd Sep To 24th Sep
02nd Oct To 24th Oct
02nd Nov To 24th Nov
02nd Dec To 24th Dec
Daily Schedule
06:00 AM - 07:00 AMPranayama & Shatkarma
07:15 AM - 08:45 AM Hatha Yoga Asana
09:00 AM - 10:00 AM Breakfast
10:15 AM - 11:15 AM Yoga Philosophy
11:30 AM - 12:30 AM Yoga Anatomyy
12:45 PM - 01:45 PM Lunch
02:00 PM - 03:30 PM Self Study
03:30 PM - 05:00 PM Kundalini Theory & Practice
05:30 PM - 06:30 PMMeditation & Yog Nidra
07:00 PM - 08:00 PM Dinner
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