Exploring the 07 Chakras of the Human Body: A Guide to Understanding & Balancing Your Energy
Introduction: What are the 07 Chakras and How do They Affect Your Overall Health?
The seven chakras are energy centers located throughout the body. They are responsible for our physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. When all seven chakras are balanced and in harmony, we feel energized, healthy, and content. However, when one or more of the chakras become blocked or imbalanced, we can experience physical illness, mental fog and emotional distress. In this article we will explore each of the seven chakras in detail and discuss how they can affect our overall health when not functioning properly.
The first three chakras are located at the top of the head. They are responsible for our intellect, awareness, and consciousness. Crown Chakra (Sahasrara) – Located at the top of the head in a triangle shape, this spiritual chakra is considered to be a gateway between heaven and earth. It houses our spiritual energy and connects us with universal energies that help us cope with life’s difficulties. When this chakra is open fully it helps us to have a feeling of well-being that may lead to increased creativity, inspiration, or even enlightenment.
Connect to Your Core: Exploring the Root Chakra
The Root Chakra is the first of 7 energy centers in the body and is known to be the foundation for our entire physical, mental and emotional well-being. It is located at the base of the spine, between the perineum and coccyx. It’s color is red and its element is Earth. Root Chakra healing can involve many different practices, such as visualization, breathwork, yoga postures, aromatherapy and sound healing. These practices help us to become more grounded in our body and connected with our physical environment. Opening up this chakra helps with physical issues such as fatigue or pain related to chronic stress. It also helps us to feel more secure in ourselves so that we can make healthier decisions in our lives.
Mudra: “Symbolizing peace and power, the mudra of the root chakra is a gesture which helps with grounding. “The Root Chakra Mudra is composed of three fingers pressed in a triangle formation. This gesture helps to bring awareness to the center of our bodies, reducing feelings of fear, anxiety and uncertainty. It also helps us to ground ourselves in practical ways by bringing us back into physical reality through touch.